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Behind the scenes

Step into cinematic magic with our exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse!

From the storyboards to the photos on set we show the work behind the multi-award winning Wilting of the Blood Orchid. 


From sketches to reality.




The funeral reception of Sharm is coming to a close. Akil is sitting irritable at the head of the dinning room table with UNCLE RUV, dressed in a suit, seated beside him Akil's wearing traditional white clothing. MADISON is in the kitchen.

A washed out photograph of Sharm, smiling, is on the back cabinet with a garland dressed over, accompanied by his urn.

A washed out photograph of Sharm, smiling, is on the back cabinet with a garland dressed over, accompanied by his urn.



Thank you Uncle Ruv. Its been a long couple of weeks, you know, with the police and investigators constantly here. I think Akil just needs some time to get some rest.

           UNCLE RUV

Yes yes I understand.

    (gets up and places his hand on Akil's shoulder)

I'll pop in next week for the lease agreements. The board has been informed about your abence, but remember business never stops. Oh! Before I foreget, they found this in your brother's jacket pocket.

Uncle Ruv hands Akil a folded bloodied photograph.


Thank you for coming, Uncle.

Uncle Ruv nods his head to Maddy, who feigns a smile back, and walks out.

                   UNCLE RUV

            (stops on his way out)

        Don't isolate yourself for too long. A lot of            the times the darness lurks inside the home.

Uncle Ruv leaves the house.Maddy is unimpressed. Akil suspicious.

Akil sits at the head of the dining room table. He's depressed. The funeral picture of Sharm and the blood orchids sit behind him.

                   MADISON (O.S.)


        I left the cups in the sink. Its your turn to            clean up.


Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing
Storyboard drawing


Photo of Sharm
Uncle Ruv looking at Akil
Uncle Ruv and Madison at the kitchen table
Uncle Ruv giving a photo to Akil
Uncle Ruv looking at Madison and Akil
Akil thinking
Akil thinking

Akil zones out on a photograph.


[Younk Akil (14) and Young Sharm (9) are smiling together on the beach. Sharm is holding a soccer ball, smiling brightly, and Akil is sitting beside him with a bruised eye]

Photo of young Akil and Sharm
Akil looking at a picture of young Akil and Sharm
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